Huang, Song-Lih / 黃嵩立
Institute of Public Health
Current Position
Professor, Institute of Public Health, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Room 304, 2nd Medical Building
Academic Degrees
Harvard School of Public Health Doctor of Science
Harvard School of Public Health Master of Occupational Health
National Yang-Ming Medical College MD
Associate Professor, Inst. of Environmental Health, NYMU
Associate Professor, Dept. of Social Medicine, NYMU
Lecturer, Dept. of Social Medicine, NYMU
Surgeon, Dept. of Surgery, Feng-Lin Veterans Hospital
International Health, Environmental & Occupational Medicine
Research Interests
Tobacco Control, International Health, Development and Health
IHP Thesis Advisee
1. 吳彥慶-南印度藏人屯墾區僧院之高血壓防治經驗(2005)。
2. 連淑芬-馬拉威北部居民飲食攝取及營養狀況評估(2006)。
3. Mungun-Ulzii Khurelbaatar. Homocysteine, Dietary Pattern and Cardiovascular Disease among Middle Aged Women in Mongol. 2006
4. 薛筑勻-菲籍家庭看護工和幫傭之睡眠品質、心理衛生和性騷擾研究(2007)。
5. 劉淑婷-嬰兒出生後之家庭與婚姻調適-跨國與本國婚姻比較(2007)。
6. 林琪鈺-女性外籍監護工的生理健康、憂鬱情形、生活品質及其每日時間分配探討(2007)(Co-advisor)。
7. Battushig Migiddorj. Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice of Smoking among Medical Students in Mongolia. 2007
8. 張淑慧-蒙古烏蘭巴托市餐廳業主與經理對無菸政策的認知、態度及行為相關探討(2008)。
9. Ann Matute. Analysis of Perinatal Mortality - A Belizean Perspective. 2008
10. Jorge Villalobs. Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices for Dengue Control and Prevention in the Central-Pacific Region of Costa Rica: A Cross-Sectional Study. 2008
11. Guiro Abdoul Karim. Knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and practices about HAART among people living with HIV/AIDS in a resource-limited setting: the case of an NGO (AMMIE) in Burkina Faso. 2009
12. 黃昱霖-老年高血壓病患昏服藥顧盧與策略性服藥(2010)。
13. Donna Chan. Social Supports of Migrant Health Care Workers Employed in Domiciliary and Institutional Care Settings in Taiwan. 2011
14. Wourozou Olivier Sanon. Factors Associated with HIV Treatment Discontinuation in an Antiretroviral Therapy Clinic in BOBO-DIOULASSO, BURKINA FASO. 2011
15. Vincent Lau Chan. Experience with Internally Displaced Population in Colombia and a Mental Health Intervention Program:a Descriptive and Narrative Method with CISALVA and Fundacion Paz y Bien. 2012
16. Natalia Serrano Espinosa. Infant-Feeding Knowledge, Practices, and Attitudes among Adult Female Caregivers in Chia, Colombia. 2013 (Co-advisor)
17. Mat Lowe. An Exploratory Qualitative Study on the Social and Cultural Factors Affecting Maternal Health Issues in Rural Gambia. 2013
18. Ebrima J. Sisawo. Workplace Violence against Nurses in the Gambia. 2015
19. Saide Yacine Yiriwaya Arsene Ouedraogo. Workplace hazards and risky sexual behviour among young female hawkers in Burkina Faso. 2015
20. Dumsile Ngwenya. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Cervical Cancer and Screening: A Survey of Men and Women in Swaziland. 2016
21. Amanda Yufika. Challenges and Opportunitures in Education for Children with Physical Disability, a Qualitative Exploration in Aceh, Indonesia. 2016
22. Angela Collenber. Survey on the Attitudes among University Students towards People with Intellectual and pHyscial Disability in Banda Aceh, Indonesia. 2017
23. Hloniphile Hasia Masuku. Assessing the implementation of international health regulations towards the prevention of COVID-19 at points of entries in Eswatini. 2022
Selected Publications
Huang SL, Hsu M-K, Chan C-C, 2003. Effects of submicron particle compositions on cytokine production and lipid peroxidation of human bronchial epithelial cells. Environ Health Perspect: 111(4):478-482. 12676602
Yeh Y-F, Huang SL. 2004. The enhancing effect of dietary cholesterol and inhibitory effect of pravastatin on allergic pulmonary inflammation. J Biomed Sci: 11:599-606. 15316134
Sheu S-J, Huang S-H, Tang F-I, Huang SL, 2006. Ethical decision making on truth telling in terminal cancer: medical students' choices between patient autonomy and family paternalism. Medical Education 40:590-598. 16700776
Lin CJ, Chen YH, Lin WT, Leu HB, Liu TZ, Huang SL and Chen JW. 2008. Direct effect of statins on homocysteine-induced endothelial adhesiveness: potential impact to human atherosclerosis. Eur J Clin Invest 38: 106-116. 18226044
Lin CP, Chen YH, Chen JW, Leu HB, Liu TZ, Liu PL, Huang SL. 2008. Cholestin (Monascus purpureus rice) inhibits homocysteine-induced reactive oxygen species generation, nuclear factor-kappaB activation, and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 expression in human aortic endothelial cells. J Biomed Sci 15:183-196. 17906965
Supervised IHP Student Publications
Chang SH1, Delgermaa V, Mungun-Ulzii K, Erdenekhuu N, Odkhuu E, Huang SL. Support for smoke-free policy among restaurant owners and managers in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Tob Control. 2009 Dec;18(6):479-84. doi: 10.1136/tc.2009.030486. Epub 2009 Oct 1. 12676602
Mungun-Ulzii K1, Erdenekhuu N, Altantsetseg P, Zulgerel D, Huang SL. Asymptomatic Mongolian middle-aged women with high homocysteine blood level and atheroscleroticdisease. Heart Vessels. 2010 Jan;25(1):7-13. doi: 10.1007/s00380-009-1156-z. Epub 2010 Jan 21. 20091392
Guiro AK1, Traore A, Somda A, Huang SL. Attitudes and practices towards HAART among people living with HIV/AIDS in a resource-limited setting innorthern Burkina Faso. Public Health. 2011 Nov;125(11):784-90. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2011.09.015. Epub 2011 Oct 20. 22015209