Chang, Hsiu-Ju / 張秀如
Department of Nursing
02-2826-7000 #67243
Professor, Department of Nursing, College of Nursing, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
R408, Nursing Building, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
1. Master Degree, School of Nursing, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
2. PhD, School of Nursing, Case Western Reserve University, U.S.A
1. Dean, College of Nursing, Nation Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
2. Director, College of Nursing, Efficient Smart Care Research Center, Nation Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
3. Distinguished
Professor, Nation Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
4. Professor, School of Nursing, Nation Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
5. Professor, School of Nursing, Taipei Medical University
6. Dean, Office of Student Affairs, Taipei Medical University
7. Associate Dean, Office of Student Affairs, Taipei Medical University
8. Director, School of Nursing, Taipei Medical University
9. Preliminary Review
Committee Members, Department of Life
Sciences, Ministry of Science and Technology
10. Associate Professor, School of Nursing, Taipei Medical University
11. Adolescent nursing
consultation clinic, Department of NursingNursing Care, Taipei Municipal Wanfang Hospital
12. Assistant Professor, School of Nursing, Taipei Medical University
13. Acting Head Nurse, Department of Nursing, National Taiwan University Hospital
14. Adjunct Lecturer, School of Nursing, National Taiwan University
15. Registered Nurse, Department of Nursing, National Taiwan University Hospital
Psychiatric nursing, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Depression & Suicide of Adolescents, Child/adolescent mental health
nursing, Group therapy, Research instrument development
A. Journal
1. Yen‐Chung Ho, Hung‐Yi Chiou, Luke Molloy, Kuan‐Chia Lin, Pi‐Chen Chang, Hsiu‐Ju Chang*. Identifying
differential trajectories and predictors for depressivesymptoms in adolescents using latent class growth analysis: A
population‐based cohort study. Journal of Adolescence 2023, 1-14
2. Sri Yuliana, Erica Yu, Yohanes Andy Rias, Nur Atikah, Hsiu Ju Chang, Hsiu Ting Tsai. Associations among
disability, depression, anxiety, stress, and quality of life between stroke survivors and their family caregivers: An
Actor-Partner Interdependence Model. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2023,79(1):135-148.
3. Nurul Huda, Yen-Kuang Lin, Malissa Kay Shaw, Yu-Ying Hsu, Hsiu-Ju Chang*. Psychometric properties and crosscultural adaptation of the Indonesian version of the Brief COPE in a sample of Advanced Cancer Patients Short title:
Brief COPE Indonesia. Plos One, 2022, 17(11): e0275083
4. Hsiu-Hua Shih, Hsiu-Ju Chang, Tsai-Wei Huang. Effects of Early Palliative Care in Advanced Cancer Patients: A
Meta-Analysis. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine 0:1-8
5. Nurul Huda, Malissa Kay Shaw, Hsiu-Ju Chang*. Psychological Distress among Patients with Advanced Cancer: A
Conceptual Analysis. Cancer Nursing 2022, 45(2): e487-503
6. Santa Maria Pangaribuan, Yen-Kuang Lin, Mei-Feng Lin, Hsiu-Ju Chang*. Mediating Effects of Coping Strategies
on the Relationship Between Mental Health and Quality of Life Among Indonesian Female Migrant Workers in
Taiwan. Journal of Transcultural Nursing 2022, 33(2):178-189
7. Hsiu-Hua Shih, Hsiu-Ju Chang, Tsai-Wei Huang. Effects of Early Palliative Care in Advanced Cancer Patients: A
Meta-Analysis. American Journal of Hospice & Palliative Medicine 2022; 1:1-8
8. Nurul Purborini, Ming-Been Lee, Hilda Mazarina Devi, Hsiu-Ju Chang*. Associated factors of depression among
young adults in Indonesia: A population-based longitudinal study. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association
2021; S0929-6646(21):00038-3
9. 盧淑敏,張秀如*. 慢性思覺失調症患者生活品質的因素. Factors of the Quality of Life Among Patients with
Chronic Schizophrenia. New Taipei Journal of Nursing 2021; 23(1):20-32
10. Nurul Huda, Yun-Yen, Hellena Deli, Malissa Kay Shaw, Tsai-Wei Huang, Hsiu-Ju Chang*. Mediation of Coping
Strategies among Patients with Advanced Cancer. Clinical Nursing Research 2021; 1(1):1-11
11. Hilda Mazarina Devi, Nurul Purborini, Hsiu-Ju Chang*. Mediating effect of resilience on association among stress,
depression, and anxiety in Indonesian nursing students. Journal of professional nursing 2021; 37(4):706-713
12. 黃雅芳,張勝傑,張秀如*. 探討注意力不足過動症(ADHD)兒童與青少年之主要照顧者親職壓力之調查研
究. A Survey of Parenting Stress Among Primary Caregivers of ADHD Children and Adolescents. New Taipei
Journal of Nursing 2021, 23(2):51-63.
13. Nurul Purborini, Ming-Been Lee, Hsiu-Ju Chang.*. Determinants of Positive and Negative Affect among
Adolescents and Young Adults in Indonesia: A Population-Based Survey. International Journal of Environmental
Research and Public Health 2021, 18(23):12326.
14. N.Huda, H.J.Chang*. CN16 Coping strategies and functional status among patients with advanced cancer in
Indonesia. Annals of Oncology 2020, 31(S4): S1129.
15. Yen-Chung Ho, Hsin-Chien Lee, Mei-Feng Lin, Hsiu-Ju Chang*. Correlations among life stress, smoking
behavior, and depressive symptoms in adolescents: A descriptive study with a mediating model. Nursing & Health
Sciences 2020, 22(2):1-9.
16. Chia-Wen Chen, Chang-Wei Hsueh, Chi-Hsiang Chung, Huei-Shyong Wang, Hsiu-Ju Chang*, and Wu-Chien
Chien*. The Association between Tic Medication Therapy and Psychiatric Comorbidities among Patients with
Tourette Syndrome: A National Population-based Study in Taiwan. Brain & Development 2020, 42(5):373-382.
17. Nai-Fang Chi, Yi-Chieh Huang, Hsiao-Yean Chiu, Hsiu-Ju Chang, Hui-Chuan Huang. Systematic Review and
Meta-analysis of Home-Based Rehabilitation on Improving Physical Function Among Home-dwelling Patients with a
Stroke. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2020; 101(2):359-373.
18. Ka-Wai Tam*, Kee-Hsin Chen, Hsiu-Ju Chang, Pei-Ling Huang, Ssu-Min Cheng, Chia-Sui Li, Tso-Hsiao Chen,
Chiu-Fen Liu,Yun-Yun Chou, Hsiao-Chu Hsueh, Hui-Lan Lee, Shu-Li Chia,Ying-Wei Wang. 從病人的觀點探討醫
病共同決策的價值 Value of Shared Decision Making from Patients' Perspective. Journal of Healthcare Quality.
2020, 14(1):36-41.
19. Chia-Wen Chen, Huei-Shyong Wang, Hsiu-Ju Chang*, Chang-Wei Hsueh*. Effectiveness of a Modified
Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics for Children and Adolescents with Tourette’s Syndrome: a
Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2020, 76(0):903-915.
20. 王新芳,李佳穗,余葳貞,張秀如*.. 運用腫瘤領航護理照顧一位門診罕見腫瘤復發病人心理調適之經驗.
Experience Using Oncology Nurse Navigation to Help the Psychological Adjustment of an Outpatient With Rare
Tumor Recurrence. The Journal of Nursing Research 2019, 66(6):1-8
21. Shu-Chuan Chen, Ming-Lee Yeh, Hsiu-Ju Chang, Mei-Feng Lin. Music, heart rate variability, and symptom
clusters: A comparative study Supportive Care in Cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer 2019, 28(1):351-360.
22. Shu Min Lu, Mei Feng Lin, Hsiu Ju Chang*. Progressive Muscle Relaxation for Patients with Chronic
Schizophrenia: A Randomized Controlled Study. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care 2019, 56(1):86-94.
23. Ya-Fang Huang, Hung-Yi Chiou, Chi-Hsiang Chung, Wu-Chien Chien*, Hsiu-Ju Chang*. Psychiatric Disorders
After Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Nationwide Population-Based Study in Taiwan. Journal of Nursing
Scholarship 2019, 51(2):138-146.
24. 藍淑玲,陳佑綺,張秀如*. 運用鏡子影像回饋改善慢性思覺失調症病人視幻覺之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of
Using Mirror Visual Feedback for a Schizophrenia Patient With Visual Hallucinations. The Journal of Nursing
Research 2018, 65(3): 103-111.
25. Shu-Chuan Chen, Cheng-Chen Chou, Hsiu-Ju Chang, Mei-Feng Lin*. Comparison of group vs self-directed music
interventions to reduce chemotherapy-related distress and cognitive appraisal: an exploratory study. Supportive Care
in Cancer 2018, 26(2):461-469.
26. Yu-Ning Chien, Ping-Ling Chen, Yi-Hua Chen, Hsiu-Ju Chang, Suh-Ching Yang, Yi Chun Chen, Hung-Yi Chiou*.
The Taiwan Adolescent to Adult Longitudinal Study (TAALS): Methodology and Cohort Description. Asia-Pacific
Journal of Public Health 2018; 30(2):188-197.
B. Chapters in Textbook
1. Chang, H. J. (2022)(editor in chief) 我們長期抗戰中:第一線護理人員的疫情觀察誌。(Ed.) 國立陽明交通大
2. Chang, H. J. (2022) Care of patients with physical symptoms and related disorders and dissociative disorders. The
New Psychiatric Nursing. (3th, Chapter19). Taichung: Wagner Publishing Co., Ltd. 2022
3. Chang, H. J. (2019) Psychiatric Nursing: Concept and Practice. (Farseeing publishing group) CH22:587-628.
4. Chang, H. J. (2019) Community Psychiatric Mental Health Evidence-based Practice. (p.202~220)
Research grants
Title of Support
Role on
Duration of
Source of Support
Psychometric Properties of Depression Literacy Questionnaire and
Associated Factors of Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional
Psychological Help among High School Adolescents
Far Eastern Medical
Foundation Far
Eastern Memorial
New Southbound Policy Project and African Elite Cultivation
Project: The cutting edge of Evidence-based knowledge
translation in nursing disciples
Ministry of Education
25th East Asia Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS)
Ministry of Science
and Technology/
Bureau of Foreign
Trade, Ministry of
Economic Affairs/
Department of
Information and
Tourism, Taipei City
Ministry of Foreign
Affairs/ Taipei
Veterans General
Effectiveness of psychoeducational intervention among patients
with advanced Cancer
Effectiveness of an Internet-Based and individually-tailored CBT
program (Deprexis) in patients with depression: A Randomized
Controlled Trials in Taiwan
Ministry of Science
and Technology
The Effects of Tactile Massage in Improving Older Residents'
Loneliness, Anxiety, and Depression in Long-Term Care Facilities
Ministry of Science
and Technology
The effectiveness of Nurse Navigators in Cancer Care
Ministry of Science
and Technology
The Chinese version of the ELPAT living organ donor Psychosocial Assessment Tool (EPAT): Reliability and Validity
Co-principal Investigator
2019/04/01~ 2021/03/31
Astellas Pharma Taiwan
Long-term follow-up study of health behaviors among adolescent
cohort. (106-108)
Health Promotion
Ministry of Health
and Welfare
Development Program for Patient-centered Shared Decision
Making and Improved Cross-departmental Participation:
Collection and Analysis of Patients and Family Health Promotion
and Exploration of Care Needs
Health Promotion
Ministry of Health
and Welfare
Title of Support |
Role on
Project |
Duration of
Support |
Source of Support |
Psychometric Properties of Depression Literacy Questionnaire and
Associated Factors of Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional
Psychological Help among High School Adolescents |
Investigator |
2023/12.31 |
Far Eastern Medical
Foundation Far
Eastern Memorial
Hospital |
New Southbound Policy Project and African Elite Cultivation
Project: The cutting edge of Evidence-based knowledge
translation in nursing disciples |
Investigator |
2023/07/31 |
Ministry of Education |
25th East Asia Forum of Nursing Scholars (EAFONS)
Conference |
Investigator |
2022/04/22 |
Ministry of Science
and Technology/
Bureau of Foreign
Trade, Ministry of
Economic Affairs/
Department of
Information and
Tourism, Taipei City
Ministry of Foreign
Affairs/ Taipei
Veterans General
Hospital |
Effectiveness of psychoeducational intervention among patients
with advanced Cancer |
Investigator |
2024/05/31 |
Sigma |
Effectiveness of an Internet-Based and individually-tailored CBT
program (Deprexis) in patients with depression: A Randomized
Controlled Trials in Taiwan |
Investigator |
2024/07/31 |
Ministry of Science
and Technology |
The Effects of Tactile Massage in Improving Older Residents'
Loneliness, Anxiety, and Depression in Long-Term Care Facilities |
Investigator |
2021/12/31 |
Ministry of Science
and Technology |
The effectiveness of Nurse Navigators in Cancer Care | Principal Investigator | 2019/08/01~ 2020/07/31 |
Ministry of Science
and Technology |
The Chinese version of the ELPAT living organ donor Psychosocial Assessment Tool (EPAT): Reliability and Validity |
Co-principal Investigator |
2019/04/01~ 2021/03/31 |
Astellas Pharma Taiwan |
Long-term follow-up study of health behaviors among adolescent
cohort. (106-108) |
Investigator |
2019/12/31 |
Health Promotion
Ministry of Health
and Welfare |
Development Program for Patient-centered Shared Decision
Making and Improved Cross-departmental Participation:
Collection and Analysis of Patients and Family Health Promotion
and Exploration of Care Needs |
Investigator |
2019/08/31 |
Health Promotion
Ministry of Health
and Welfare |