Chiou, Shu-Ti / 邱淑媞
Institute of Public Health
02-2826-7000 #67347
Current Position
Founding President, Health & Sustainable Development Foundation
Global Vice President for Capacity
Building, International Union for Health Promotion & Education
Adjunct Professor, College of
Medicine, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Senior Consultant, Cheng Hsin General Hospital
Academic Degrees
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, Ph.D. in Epidemiology
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, Master of Science
National Yang-Ming Medical School, Taipei, Taiwan, M.D.
Chair of Governance Board, International Network of Health Promoting Hospitals
and Health Services (initiated by WHO)
Global Vice President for Partnerships, International Union for Health
Promotion and Education
Director-General, Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health &
Welfare, Taiwan
Director-General, Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health, Taiwan
Associate Professor, School of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University
Founder and President, Taiwan
Society of Health Promoting Hospitals
Commissioner, Department of Health, Taipei City Government, Taiwan
Director-General, I-Lan County Health Bureau, Taiwan
Director, I-Lan City Health Center, I-Lan County, Taiwan
Attending Physician, Department of Family Medicine, Taipei Municipal Ho-Ping
Hospital, Taiwan
Chief Resident, Department of Family Medicine, Taipei Municipal Ho-Ping
Hospital, Taiwan
Resident in Family Medicine, Veterans' General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Specialist in Family Medicine
Research Interests
Health promotion, social determinants of health, public health policy
IHP Thesis Advisee
1. Charles Gnenassi Ido. Factors contributed to the non-compliance with tuberculosis treatment in the Regional Tuberculosis Center of Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina-Faso)." 2007
2. 羅慶玲-員工參與醫院體重控制計畫之相關因素探討(2008)
3. 謝寧惠-全國醫院臨床戒菸服務與其支持系統之現況調查(2009)
4. Milo Richard. Knowledge Attitude and Practice of Haitians Living at the Border of Haiti-Dominican Republic Towards Pulmonary Tuberculosis. 2009
5. Aminata Sarr. Diabetes Self-Management: Perspectives Of Gambian Patients Attending The Medical Clinic, Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital(RVTH), 2009. 2010
6. Karla Margarita Navarrete Galve. The Extent and Healthiness of Television Food Promotion directed to Children in El Salvador. 2010
7. Franelda Diega Maria Gutierrez. Awareness, perceived effectiveness and use of smoking cessation support by current smokers and ex-smokers in Taiwan. 2011
8. Sesay Catherine Ngaima Marie. Analysis of Factors Associated with Failure to Return for HIV Test Results in The Gambia. 2011
Selected Publications
Chen LK, Hwang AC, Lee WJ, Peng LN, Lin MH,
Nail DL, Shih SF, Loh CH, Chiou ST*. Taiwan Health Promotion
Intervention Study for Elders research group. Efficacy
of multidomain interventions to improve physical frailty, depression and
cognition: data from cluster-randomized controlled trials. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle. 2020; 11: 650-62
Wu PC, Chen CT, Lin KK, Sun CC, Kuo
CN, Huang HM, Poon YC, Yang ML, Chen CY, Huang JC, Wu PC, Yang IH, Yu HJ, Fang
PC, Tsai CL, Chiou ST*, Yang
YH. Myopia prevention and outdoor light intensity in a school-based cluster
randomized trial. Ophthalmology. 2018; 125:1239-50.
, Chiou
operational program versus usual routines for implementing clinical health
promotion: an RCT in health promoting hospitals (HPH). Implement Sci. 2018; 13:153.
WY, Chien LY, Hwang FM, Huang N, Chiou ST*. From job stress to
intention to leave among hospital nurses: a structural equation modeling
approach. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2017; 74:677-688.
Chiou ST, Marmot M. Health
Inequalities in Taiwan. 2016; Health Promotion Administration, Taipei.
Supervised IHP Student
Pehrsson EC1, Tsukayama P1, Patel S1,2,
Mejía-Bautista M1,3, Sosa-Soto G1,3, Navarrete KM3, Calderon M4, Cabrera L5, Hoyos-Arango W3, Bertoli MT3,Berg DE6,7, Gilman RH4,5,8, Dantas G1,2,6, . Interconnected microbiomes and resistomes in
low-income human habitats. Nature. 2016 May 11;533(7602):212-6. doi:
10.1038/nature17672. 27172044
Senior Consultant, Cheng Hsin General Hospital
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, Ph.D. in Epidemiology
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, Master of Science
National Yang-Ming Medical School, Taipei, Taiwan, M.D.
Chair of Governance Board, International Network of Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services (initiated by WHO)
Global Vice President for Partnerships, International Union for Health Promotion and Education
Director-General, Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health & Welfare, Taiwan
Director-General, Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health, Taiwan
Associate Professor, School of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University
Commissioner, Department of Health, Taipei City Government, Taiwan
Director-General, I-Lan County Health Bureau, Taiwan
Director, I-Lan City Health Center, I-Lan County, Taiwan
Attending Physician, Department of Family Medicine, Taipei Municipal Ho-Ping Hospital, Taiwan
Chief Resident, Department of Family Medicine, Taipei Municipal Ho-Ping Hospital, Taiwan
Resident in Family Medicine, Veterans' General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Specialist in Family Medicine
Health promotion, social determinants of health, public health policy
2. 羅慶玲-員工參與醫院體重控制計畫之相關因素探討(2008)
3. 謝寧惠-全國醫院臨床戒菸服務與其支持系統之現況調查(2009)
4. Milo Richard. Knowledge Attitude and Practice of Haitians Living at the Border of Haiti-Dominican Republic Towards Pulmonary Tuberculosis. 2009
5. Aminata Sarr. Diabetes Self-Management: Perspectives Of Gambian Patients Attending The Medical Clinic, Royal Victoria Teaching Hospital(RVTH), 2009. 2010
6. Karla Margarita Navarrete Galve. The Extent and Healthiness of Television Food Promotion directed to Children in El Salvador. 2010
7. Franelda Diega Maria Gutierrez. Awareness, perceived effectiveness and use of smoking cessation support by current smokers and ex-smokers in Taiwan. 2011
8. Sesay Catherine Ngaima Marie. Analysis of Factors Associated with Failure to Return for HIV Test Results in The Gambia. 2011