National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University


Saint Lucia Culture Sharing in Dong-Hu Junior High School


"The world is wonderful because of its diversity."

Saint Lucia Culture Sharing in Dong-Hu Junior High School- June 08, 2023

Here’s some feedback from our first-year PH. D student, Thea Nicholla Everille Benjamin from Saint Lucia.

I believe our roles as ICDF scholarship recipients extends beyond being excellent academic students but also includes being unofficial ambassadors representing our countries while studying in Taiwan. I took this responsibility very seriously when asked to do a cultural exchange presentation at Taipei Municipal Dong-Hu Junior High School. As a former teacher, I didn't realize how much I missed teaching until I stood in front of the adorable group of young adolescent students. I used this as an opportunity to not just teach the students about my homeland, St. Lucia (her landmarks, food, language, cultural festivals, music, and crafts) but also for the students to teach me about Taiwan. The best part of this experience was seeing the students' cheekiness and curiosity on full display during the Q&A session. As well as speaking to and embracing several students at the end of the presentation. I hope this cultural exchange was as memorable for the students as it was for me because I will certainly never forget it.

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