National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University


Visit Bali Incineration plant


“Architecture is the very mirror of life” -I.M. Pei, Master Architect
Thanks to Prof. Chang, Jung-Wei, course Environmental Health, we will have opportunity to visit Bali Incineration plant on 07 June. Here’s some feedback of our first-year Master student, Lerato Ntombikayise Vilakati from Eswatini🇸🇿
We recently had an amazing opportunity to visit the Bali Incineration plant,located in Bali District in New Taipei City.It is one of the biggest incineration plants in Taiwan,hence this opportunity was a once in lifetime experience.The plant does not only boast with being one of the highly recognized and best performing in waste management ,it has become one of the common spots for field trips,catering for both locals and non- local individuals.On our visit we had the opportunity to get the full picture of waste segregation and management through incineration which then generate power.When approaching the plant,we were met with breathtaking views of the ocean nearby and mainly the modern and exquisite glass structure of the plant was an amazing sight.On our arrival,we got to watch a brief video outlining the history and current affairs of the plant.After ensuring all safety measures were observed,we got to explore the plant and we got to see amazing handcrafted arts made of recycled products along the corridors.We also had the intriguing opportunity to see the garbage crane control room.Later,we got a chance to view the green house,where we got to see beautiful plants and even got amazing souvenirs to take home!.This was an amazing opportunity to learn and reset.The organizers and all those who made it possible did an amazing job!Thank you!