Chuang, Yi-Fang / 莊宜芳
Institute of Public Health
(02) 2826-7000#67981
Current Position
Associate Professor, Institute of Public Health, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Room 208, Medical Building II
Academic Degrees
Ph.D., Department of Mental Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
M.D., National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
Assistant professor, 2015/2-now, Institute of Public Health, National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan
Clinical fellow, 2014/9-2015/1, Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
Postdoctoral fellow, Lab of Behavior Neuroscience, National Institute of Aging, Baltimore, Maryland US
House staff (Psychiatry), Min-Sheng General Hospital, Taiwan
Fellowship (Psychiatric Research), Department of Psychiatry, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taiwan
Residency, Department of Psychiatry, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taiwan
Cognitive Aging, Mental Health in the Elderly
IHP Thesis Advisee
1. Bianca Marella S. Factors Associated with Mental Health Status among Indonesian Migrant Workers in Taiwan: Explorations of Personal, Family and Work Characteristics. 2016
2. Selma Ada Bermudez. The Role of Immune Cellular Markersin Cardiovascular Disease among Hemodialysis Patients. 2017
3. Isola Monica Melissa Gongora. The Association Between Maternal Education and Stunting in Young Children in Belize. 2018
4. Mpendulo Siyabonga Shabalala. The interaction between psychosocial problems and non-communicable diseases on suicidal ideation among adults in Eswatini. 2023
5. Samuel Li (李甦恩). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the management of patients on peritoneal dialysis: a retrospective cohort study. 2024
Selected Publications
1. Chuang YF, Yang An, Murat Bilgel, Dean F. Wong, Juan C. Troncoso, Richard J. O’Brian, Luigi Ferruci, Susan M. Resnick, Madhav Thambisetty. Midlife Adiposity predicts earlier onset of Alzheimer’s dementia, neuropathology and presymptomatic cerebral amyloid accumulation. Mol Psychiatry. 2016 Jul;21(7):910-5. 26324099
2. Chuang YF, Tanaka T, Beason-Held LL, An Y, Terracciano A, Sutin AR, Kraut M, Singleton AB, Resnick SM, Thambisetty M. FTO genotype and Aging: pleotrophic longitudinal effects on adiposity, brain function, impulsivity and food preference. Molecular Psychiatry (May 27 2014) (epub ahead of print) 24863145
3. Chuang YF, Breitner JC, Chiu YL, Khachaturian A, Hayden K, Corcoran C, Tschanz J, Norton M, Munger R, Welsh-Bohmer K, Zandi PP; For the Cache County Investigators. Use of diuretics is associated with reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease: the Cache County Study. Neurobiology of aging 2014 Nov;35(11):2429-35. 24910391
4. Chuang YF, Eldreth D, Erickson KI, Varma V, Harris G, Fried LP, Rebok GW, Tanner EK, Carlson MC. Cardiovascular risks and brain function: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study of executive function in older adults. Neurobiology of aging 2014 Jun;35(6):1396-403. 24439485
5. Chuang YF, Hayden KM, Norton MC, Tschanz J, Breitner JC, Welsh-Bohmer KA, Zandi PP., for the Cache County Investigators. Association between APOE epsilon4 allele and vascular dementia: The Cache County study. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2010; 29(3):248-53. 20375505
Academic Degrees
Selected Publications